
Since I've always enjoyed designing custom content for games that I like, I have published this template, which allows you to create custom cards for the game Danmaku!! (by Mystety Parfait) utilizing the Magic Set Editor 2. It also allows export for Tabletop Simulator. Please credit the artists whose work you use on your cards and support the original game by purchasing a copy for yourself.


Sample cards

Selecting a card icon

Creating the expansion symbol

Creating a new expansion


To run this template you will need to install Magic Set Editor 2. Even though it was conceived as a Magic the Gathering editor, it is a very versatile tool for all sorts of board games.

Once you have it installed drag'n'drop the danmaku_9_1_2019.mse-installer onto mse.exe. A wizard will walk you through adding the Danmaku!! game items.

To properly display the cards you will also need to install the attached fonts. The official game uses a licensed font that isn't redistributable, so I've decided to pick a very similar free font. All of the attached fonts are redistributable.

With the Danmaku!! Game files installed you can go to create a new set and start making your cards.

Tips and Tricks

Edit > Auto Replace has a list of abreviated / autoformated terms. Whenever you type Danmaku, the corresponding icon will be added by MSE.

• You can save and load set symbols in the symbol editor view.

• When you set an artist in the Set Settings page, it will get autofilled onto every card that didn't have its Artist field altered.

• You can export the whole set for Tabletop Simulator with the cardbacks included!


In case you come accross any bugs / errors or any licensing issues please reach out to me through: hrusa(at)pansyn.com.